Monday, October 01, 2007

Web 2.0 goes on...

Web 2.0:
a large bag with so different feelings and philosophies.

Can "subversive" concepts become institutional?

Can those tools and techniques, reflects of self image, with a total appropriation (what do I do now..., my specific passions and friends..., it's happening now..., my special tricky way to access information...,), become a common practice for everybody?

Will people seek contact and networks or go back to CAN (Computer aided narcissism) ? This one open the question.

That can explain this "war", within organizations, to make Web 2.0 a mainstream. Why this fear for web 2.0?

At the same time, Web 2.0 becomes global...

...And a very good clever blog by Internet visionary Tim O'Reilly, the man credited with creating the term Web 2.0...