Saturday, January 27, 2007

Miscellaneous news about processes…

- Even if you are not necessarily a military fan, it is evident that DoD (US Department of Defense, may be the bigger worldwide purchaser ) plays an important role in definition of standards, in rationalization of IT.

(Cals, Step, CMMI, ...). This Dod article about processes gives interesting views about defining roles, within an ERP implementation challenge, for Business Process Owners, separating clearly management responsibilities and technical responsibilities....

- About the remanent strategic alignment question: " must we change organization first, an then implement IT solution , or must we facilitate/force changes with IT first" , P,P,P,I, thinks strategy, processes and people issues must be treated before IT solution choice... More complex in real life.

- IT governance and application portfolio techniques not so easy to sell internally in companies...

- Clever way for vendors to (story)tell BPM importance...

Again, some KM questions...

- Is KM enabling more automated decisions? This "old", very good level and still stimulating article on "nonsense of KM", can bring some ideas, with good thinking about what is really tacit knowledge, and a synthesis of a lot of point of views. Nice commentary on it too...

- Sharing calendars and schedule is a good metaphor of som KM challenges

- In the real life, what can be one's personal "rules" for KM? You can apply those one (but who does?)

So much information, so small amount of time to transform it into knowledge, let's go-on zapping !

computers and emotions...

No doubt information and communication technologies, as a major media, can create emotions, through messages, chatting, music and video, ...

But can computer software detect and understand your emotions, and answer to them. Are we, after all those years, close enough from "artificial intelligence" ?

A lot of new experiments these days on that, from neural networks to telephones....

All the chatterbots are trying too the same kind of things from basic Cybelle to sophisticated A.L.I.C.E. (why always female as characters for clever intelligence robots ? )

At man/machine interface point of view, in spite of some random pleasant progress (Wii?) is still at prehistorical age, unable for example to really interact easily without a keyboard, language semantic recognition being still far enough...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Some relations between Marketing and WEB2…

J'était hier à une très stimulante réunion, rassemblant les penseurs avancés (et multi-disciplinaires) français dans le domaine du Marketing .

(Au fait, ne manquez pas le site visionnarymarketing , tout y est bon et sensé, jetez un œil au dossier Marketing des produits ICT, au blog bien vivant...)

Allez donc voir aussi ce site de base sur votre nécessaire bibliothèque de base !!!

La discussion d'hier aurait bien mérité un "bribecast".

Parmi les sujets de discussion et de débats, stimulante interaction avec Thierry Maillet, autour de son livre très moderne et cultivé: Génération Participation .

Partiel, partial et en vrac:

- Débat animé ce soir là entre les optimistes croyant fermement dans une tendance participative montante, dans l'espoir d'une noosphère à la Theillard de Chardin (pour les très très vieux lecteurs, il y en a eu d'autres depuis...) et ceux qui y croient moins, malgré la monté de valeurs nouvelles et les possiblités coopératives offertes par les techniques (Web2 and Co). Les "philosophies" pour le Marketing découlent bien sûr fortement de ces postures initiales.

- Rebonds sur la perception de la rationalité (limitée...) du consom'acteur (terme crée dès 2001 par Thierry) , qui peut certes tout comparer, choisir les prix optimaux, être totalement actif, participer, voire créer le produit (voire la démocratie? ) par sa demande mais qui peut aussi préférer rester passif, dans un confort accepté de manipulation par les marques, les archétypes et standards véhiculés par icelles...

Présentation également par Jérome Delacroix, auteur précurseur sur les wikis

Le débat a beaucoup tourné autour de wikipedia

Le contenu d'une telle encyclopédie universelle est-il de la science (au sens universitaire du terme), c'est a dire étayé, démontré, reconnu à l'intérieur d'une discipline, ne disant sur le monde réel que des choses suffisamment valides (à un instant donné, dans une culture donnée), ou "bottom-up", spontané et transverse, reflétant de façon plus journalistique et événementiel un autre réel, aussi consistant, du monde? Le savoir présent est-il neutre ou suspect?
Joli débat non fini!

Le consom'acteur va-t-il avoir à terme plutôt envie:

scenario a: de participer à ces nouvelles cathédrales du savoir...

scenario b: de pencher pour le N.A.O. ("Narcissisme assisté par Ordinateur"), à travers des blogs, des articles non lus dans l'opulence communicationnelle, ces journaux personnels, ces bouteilles à la mer...

scenario c: de plonger dans les réseaux virtuels, certains visant à créer des clubbismes stables dans des objectifs variés (business, plaisirs, jeux et mondes virtuels à la "second life", ou mouvants et infidèles, conformes à l'esprit initial de Rheingold ?

Là encore, le Marketing doit sans doute regarder ça plus finement qu'aujourd'hui !

Monday, January 22, 2007

Random week-end (fast) web readings...

After conducting this test (takes 5 minutes for the first test..), I must admit I am a typical procrastinator (but maybe you are too...)

(I defer very important thinks to do, creating permanent stress for myself...).

I like this article and formula on the topic.

It is surely too late for me to change !!

My permanent auto-justification is the fact I consider not doing things (at the end, I do some things...) is a way to unconsciously regulate myself, in the increasing stress of solicitation created by new communication world and media.

- A rather good online set of articles on Strategic Planning

- IT Gouvernance: Pénétration d'ITIL en augmentation, et quelques règles utiles pour réussir

- All companies nowadays know that main profit gains can come from supplier side, in a globalized world.

(and ....too bad for some suppliers, many ethics issues, where is win-win strategy?, ...)

This article give some good rules to follow in that perspective:

Strategic alignment, Cross-functionality, Simplification, ICT enabling, Process sourcing (BPO)


- Killer applications in KM? Good synthesis, but nothing new...

- Information is not knowledge! Wiki example

...and an opposite opinion there...

- As mentionned in my 14/1 contribution, role of KM for economies and ... need of KM adapted to specific cultures...

- About the permanent fight of librarians inside KM strategies...

- Back to basics: Deming on KM and management

- Good synthesis in this short executive abstract of some current IT market heavy trends:

Outsourcing for stable operations, new emerging technologies bundles, software subscription rather than ownership, ...

- Net Neutrality: an permanent issue, not solved...


Some Hi-Tech news for teckies...

- BI (Business Intelligence) data delivered on phones: realistic?

- Moore law again: why not play on connectivity?

- Touch screens for many fingers: applications?

- Bug free software: open source a solution?

Mass Customization news....

Created at the beginning of 90's, Mass Customization is still a heavy trend of the future:

How can a company can offer the high quality/low cost/fast delivery product and service to the market, and, at the same time, customize it perfectly for the client?

How can we play simultaneously a cost strategy and a differentiation strategy?

(french readers can look there to read a short contribution on role of time in MC...)

You will find, in this recent update on the topic:

Page 5: A very nice interview of Joseph Pine II, the author of the initial book on the subject.

Good thoughts about Web2 / Mass Customization synergies, cultural aspects.

Page 8: About personalized newspapers

Page 15-21: Mass Customization and fashion. Key for you life, key for your girl (if you are a boy, otherwise key for you...)