Sunday, May 13, 2007

IT/IS possibly manageable ?

IT Governance is key, but some good tricks and more there if you want to fail !
And you know that bad IT governance is a big risk...

- Look about IT governance this "perfect" synthesis report by PWC...

- And what is board implication in IT governance? and more...

The first objective of IT governance is strategic alignment (this "mechanical" concept !).
A rather new magazine focus on that...
- Concerning alignment, some nice companies, Staples, Wells Fargo, Dow Chemical and Dell Computer manage their strategies not just one application at a time, but how they attack integration as an end-to-end process, from supplier to customer.
- Some new tricks on this alignment topic? There, a good checklist...
- Good IT governance implies some ethical aspects...


IT projects still fail !!

Only 28% of IT projects succeed these days, down from 34% a year or two ago. Outright failures -- IT projects canceled before completion -- are up to 18%. The remaining 51% of IT projects are "challenged" -- seriously late, over budget and lacking expected features (Standish Group)...
- Agile programming is a know set of strategies (and even Extreme programming... ) in that domain. That impacts portofolio strategy management (one of the key "communication" aspects of good governance !). Can a solution for portofolio management be to implement only 1 program (just a joke), an ERP, solving everything for everybody. What is the real relation between agility and ERP's?

Again the same old theoretical and practical key problem, what part must be "mechanized" and what part (of everything) has to remain "organic"...

And always, some guidance and toolkits updates: Cobit, so useful to everybody, the need of scorecards and dashboards...

tags: IT governance , IT scorecard, projects

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